Why Plant Protein is More Beneficial to Your Health Goals

When looking for a protein powder it can be very common for people to wrongly perceive plant proteins as ‘less than’.  So let’s unpack those thoughts and have a look at how making the switch to plant protein can actually be doing your health a favour (whilst also still contributing just as effectively to your health goals).


  1.     Whey protein is naturally more inflammatory

Whey, a protein derived from cow’s milk, is abundant in saturated fats (think high cholesterol) and sugars (need I say more?). Whilst in low quantities these saturated fats and sugars can be harmless, if they are eaten regularly they can actually be a major source of inflammation within the body, something that we’re constantly looking to prevent, reduce and avoid.

And yes, there are of course low-fat milks available (which you may imagine as a delightful loophole here) but in most cases, these low-fat options often compensate by having even more sugar than their full fat counterparts, often completely negating their own purpose.

A standard glass of cow’s milk generally contains about 12g of sugar, which is the approximate equivalent of 3 tablespoons, whereas a plant milk, such as almond milk, contains only about 1/8th a teaspoon of sugar!

Inflammation can launch the body into a state of stress, which can then switch the body unnecessarily into a fight or flight mode. In this situation, many of the body’s normal functions are altered or impeded, and the body is not designed to function well in this state for long periods of time.

Unfortunately, it is becoming more and more common for our bodies to continue to function in these states of stress for extended periods of time, and it can often be attributed to high inflammatory foods – such as dairy. 

Learn more about how dairy may also be affecting your hormones here [https://youtu.be/3jGTZsS6w60]


  1.     Dairy (and lactose) free protein is better for your gut health

As plant proteins increase in prevalence and popularity, we’re seeing a greater availability of ‘gut friendly’ protein formulas – but what does the term actually mean?

When we speak of the gut in general, we’re often referring to the microbiome – the delicate and phenomenal ecosystem housed within the digestive system that is a perfect balance of both good and bad bacteria. These bacteria are not only essential to the blissful function of your digestion, but also your immunity, hormones and so much more. 

Sounds important? Well, it is.

When inflammation occurs, the gut can enter a state of dysbiosis and the delicate ecosystem is thrown out of balance. This is where we encounter conditions such as leaky gut, where inflammation causes gaps in the intestinal walls. 

This permeability lowers the body’s defence against harmful pathogens and particles hidden within our food and water, and can allow things like pesticides, bacteria, toxic chemicals and harmful microorganisms (things that the body would ordinarily have no trouble fighting) into the bloodstream - exactly where they are not meant to be. 

A gut friendly plant protein formula of course contains a wonderful absence of dairy (yay!), but can also contain specially selected ingredients like L-Glutamine, Inulin, Acacia Fibre and digestive enzymes to improve your digestion and reduce symptoms of gut dysbiosis such as bloating and constipation. 

I break down the ingredients of the Botanika Blend’s proteins in this video here [https://youtu.be/nwtGKaB40Yw]


  1.     Plant protein is suitable for vegetarians, vegans, and is naturally cruelty free!

I could just leave it there … but let me break it down for you a little more.

Protein is absolutely vital to every function within our amazing bodies, and as such, an adequate daily intake of protein in our diet is essential.

Many argue that sourcing the majority or all of your protein from plants is not as effective as eating animal protein, but this isn’t necessarily true – it’s all about working smarter, not harder.

In the animal vs. plant protein debate, it is often claimed that animal protein has the greater benefit because it provides a ‘complete’ source of protein, whereas plant proteins do not. What this statement means is that animal protein naturally provides all 20 essential amino acids within it. A single plant protein on the other hand, which is comparatively referred to as ‘incomplete’, does not provide all 20 amino acids.

While this is technically true, our vegan and vegetarian friends need not be deterred!

It is merely a case of selecting the right plant protein formula that is comprised of more than one plant protein source (such as the combination of pea and rice protein) that will provide the ‘complete’ amino acid profile – this is an excellent signifier of a quality plant protein.

And as the cherry on top, this combination of plant proteins within a vegan formula ensures that the efficacy of the protein is not impacted one single bit!

So, if you have been hesitant to switch from whey protein to plant-based protein for fear your muscle building or muscle maintenance will be compromised – fear not. A vegan protein formula, containing a blend of plant proteins, will give you that same complete amino acid profile that will ensure you can meet all your health and fitness goals, with the added benefits of less inflammation throughout the body, more balanced hormones, smoother digestion, and cruelty free protein!


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