Ready To Balance Your Hormones And Clear Your Symptoms?

Quit guessing and take control of your healing journey!

Understanding what your body *actually* needs so you can finally say goodbye to hormonal symptoms and hello to a new-found energy, confidence, and freedom!

Reliable. Science-Backed. No Restriction. No Overwhelm

(and plenty of “OMG, how did I not know this” moments)


You already live a healthy lifestyle -

And you've tried all you can to clear your stubborn symptoms…
(be that acne, fatigue, low mood, weight gain or painful irregular periods)

But, doctors keep trying to put you back on the pill, you’ve tried all of the supplements, bought all of the products, watched all of the youtube videos, and have cut out all of your favourite foods -

Now what?

Do you just have to accept these symptoms moving forward?

Why is it that these solutions work for everyone else but you?

How can you stay positive when you feel like giving up?

Why can’t a magic fairy just come and reveal what is wrong with you?

I've been where you are...

Hey! I'm Mads -

Holistic Hormone Specialist, Naturopath, Scientist and ex- ‘Cool’ Science Teacher 😎 (turned Women’s Health Educator)👋🏼

In 2019 I suffered with severe hormonal acne and was later diagnosed with PCOS in January of 2020 - thanks to years of hormonal birth control and antibiotics. I had
never experienced anything like it before (yep, I was that annoying kid in high school with clear skin). But now, I was confused, incredibly insecure, and down-right depressed!

Like anyone would, I consumed myself with searching the internet for answers, except (for the science-nerd in me) this meant turning to scientific journal articles rather than Facebook forums and random blog posts.

I was sick of accepting short-term fixes from the doctor. I decided to get in the driver's seat of my own health journey and clear my symptoms once and for all, and to make sure they never came back!

That’s when I learned about the root cause approach to healing

Step One: Find out why your symptoms are happening in the first place

Step Two: Remove the cause and the symptoms disappear

Mind. Blown.

I put this into action and learned how to not just ‘eat healthy’, but properly nourish my body and address my root causes, and viola…

I cleared my acne and reversed my PCOS.

Plus, I now have an effortless and enjoyable relationship with food and exercise, my periods are regular and pain-free, my depression has lifted and I have energy to live my life and do all of the things on my lengthy bucket list!

Since then, I’ve also helped
hundreds of other women clear their hormonal symptoms too - with many of my clients seeing results in as little as two weeks!

I believe every woman should be empowered by becoming the expert on her own body, which is why I’m so passionate about taking all the important health science jargon and packaging it up into an easily-digestible program that will quite literally change your life.

Think of it as everything you need to know, but without the extra science fluff!


The 8-week program designed to get you out of guessing mode and into feeling confident, symptom-free and in-control, by teaching you how to find your root cause, balance your hormones naturally and support your health long-term. All without restriction, confusion or overwhelm!


(Modules you can always come back to whenever you need - supporting your health & hormones effortlessly and enjoyably every day for the rest of your life)

Balance Your Hormones takes a different approach to healing…


→ One that is rooted in education (so that you never feel clueless or doubt yourself again, and can feel confident knowing you are on the right path)

→ One that allows you to actually understand what is going on with your body and how to provide your body with what it’s missing to heal naturally

→ One that addresses the problem at the source (the root cause), as opposed to covering it up with temporary fixes that later stop working (the band-aid approach)

→  One that sees you in the driver’s seat making educated decisions, as opposed to going along with whatever treatments are thrown at you

→ One that empowers you to come to the table and discuss your options with your doctors, instead of being made to feel like you don’t have a choice or the right to question them (you do - it’s YOUR body!)

→ One that teaches you how to naturally manage your symptoms long-term on your own, without being reliant on ongoing appointments and prescriptions

→ One that shows you how to have a beautiful relationship with food and exercise - without the restriction, hustle or resentment!

Ever heard this saying?

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.

Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”


Other treatment approaches focus solely on giving you the ‘things’, whether that be a meal plan, exercise program or a prescription, but if you don’t know how to support your own health then you will always be reliant on someone else and struggling to maintain your results long-term. You’re also more likely to go down unnecessary treatment pathways that may not even be what is best for you.

That is why knowledge in your own health journey is power!

Join Balance Your Hormones

Balance Your Hormones is the ONLY program that teaches you how to personalise each module to you, instead of asking everyone to follow the same plan 


… because everyone is different and therefore a healthy lifestyle is going to look different for everyone

“Your future self will be grateful for you”

I am living with Hashimoto's Thyroidism and I literally thought it was the end for me. In conjunction with my Integrative Dr and Naturopath, Maddy's course has helped me learn and comprehend what I am experiencing and helped my body to recover!

Maddy is extensively knowledgeable, wise, and knows what she is talking about - she's a biology teacher for crying out loud! I think this is one of the pros of doing this course, and that she has also experienced health issues herself in the past, so she really cares and is empathetic.

This is the investment I can recommend to anyone!!! I have cleared my skin, feel less stressed, have more energy and have a much better relationship with food (previous to this course I was restricting so many foods that I didn't have to be because I'd heard they were trigger foods but they weren't). I am so grateful for Maddy! Do this course! It is so worth it and your future self will be grateful for you!!

- Loraine G.

When you join Balance Your Hormones you get...

Life-changing Modules

These modules are so thorough and well-thought-out because I’m a mind reader (not really, I’ve just been in your shoes before). You can expect carefully written video lessons by a professional teacher designed to get you the BEST results (some women have called it "health science for dummies". I take you through the process of finding your root cause, nourishing your body, balancing your hormones and maintaining your results step-by-step, so that you never feel overwhelmed.

Plus, I teach you how to personalise every module to your liking. This includes not eating foods you don’t like and not doing exercises you despise - because when healthy is enjoyable it becomes sustainable, and long-term results are what we’re going for!

Facebook Community of Like-Minded Women

When I was struggling with severe hormonal acne I remember looking around at my family and friends (even my pubescent high school students) and wondering why I was the only one who was struggling this bad. When I eventually started to build my online community I realised that I wasn’t alone and it was so comforting (and encouraging) being supported by women who ‘got it’.

I wanted to provide a safe space where we can all come together to learn from one another and lift each other up on days when our symptoms just feel like too much. I know that every single woman who joins this program will feel safe, supported and heard in this community.

Lifetime Access!

You'll also have lifetime access to all the modules & resources so that you can always come back and watch them anytime life gets away from you and you need a reminder, or if new symptoms and conditions pop up over the years.

Mark it on your calendar - this could be your new redefined January health reset annual tradition... You know, without all the stress-yourself-out-be-super-restrictive-and-hit-burnout stuff!

“I felt so supported and guided the entire time”

"The content is so educational and informative without ever being overwhelming - which is what has stunted my progress in the past. I have felt so failed by other practitioners before, but Mads has broken down her holistic approach to healing into actionable steps within her modules and I have achieved such incredible results in such a short time. 

The program helped me to get on top of my anxiety, eczema, frequent migraines, bloating, low energy, food guilt and negative relationship with exercise. Mads' program addresses healing in such a complete way and I felt so supported and guided the entire time."

- Claire L.


Let’s take a look at what’s inside the modules:

Module 1 - Listen To Your Body

  • Analyse your hormonal imbalance to identify possible root causes
  • Learn how to interpret your cycle as a way of listening to your body & consistently monitoring your health
  • Understand the different hormone & other tests available & their pros + cons
  • Get familiar with different hormonal conditions so that you can recognise them if you think something more is going on


Module 2 - Balance Your Hormones

  • Nutrition Foundations 101 for Balanced Hormones
  • Understanding Insulin Resistance
  • Inflammatory Foods, Intolerances & Allergies
  • Grocery Shopping Without Overwhelm 
  • Micronutrients & Common Deficiencies
  • Supplements for Hormones & Health
  • Mastering Cortisol (The Stress Hormone)
  • Boosting Your Energy Levels
  • Repairing Gut Health
  • Balancing Hormones with Exercise
  • Mastering Your Relationship with Exercise


Module 3 - Thrive In Your Feminine

  • Optimise your energy levels, moods, productivity & SO much more by scheduling your calendar around the phases of your cycle (it's science!)
  • Learn how to have more comfortable periods, including exclusive honest reviews (as always) of helpful products
  • Feel confident & protected using natural contraception
  • Take advantage of psychology principles to form more effective (and enjoyable) healthy habits & routines that stick!
  • Learn about female & male fertility
Join Balance Your Hormones

“I am grateful to have found Mads during such a hopeless, desperate time in my life and am loving how empowered and confident I feel!”

"I’m no longer distracted by painful abdominal bloating, constipation, body swelling/inflammation and irregular and painful periods. Mads has done all the research & has poured all that knowledge into me. She has given me the tools and the right perspective to make healthy food choices, exercise correctly for my hormones, identify & manage stress, and most importantly to love myself because it’s not selfish at all!

I have built healthy life habits and not just gained information or a temporary fad diet. Oh and I have lost 6 lbs! The video modules are magical; full of education, support and aha moments. This course has been life-changing! I am grateful to have found Mads during such a hopeless, desperate time in my life and am loving how empowered and confident I feel! Thank you!!!"

- Mina

Sign up now and you'll also score these bonuses...

Bonus: My Personal Recipe Bank (DF, GF, RSF)

Score exclusive access to my personal ever-growing digital collection of hormone-friendly, quick, easy, and delicious recipes (meals and snacks) that will satisfy your taste buds without sabotaging your hormones. Did I mention they taste incredible AND are gluten, dairy and refined-sugar free! (Yes, my favourite brownie, savoury muffin & choc-chip cookie recipes are in there) 🤤









*NEW* Bonus: My Ultimate Supplements Guide & Directory

I know supplements can be super confusing, especially when there is sneaky marketing involved. That’s why I'm sharing with you the exact supplements, brands and websites I recommend, as well as how to know which ones you actually need! (Finally you can stop wasting your hard earned money on the wrong supplements that are doing absolutely nothing for you!)

Bonus: Mastering Acne Course

No more guessing! Learn what causes acne, the three factors that drive all acne and how to clear your skin from the inside out. You’ll not only become an expert at preventing new breakouts from coming up, but you’ll also learn new tools for managing any that do make a future appearance due to the unexpected stressors life likes to throw at us from time to time.

Bonus: Exclusive Discounts For Members Only

While I love providing my wider online community with special offers and discount codes, I wanted to go above and beyond for my students by organising even bigger discounts, as well as exclusive offers that haven’t been shared anywhere else. You’ll be saving on everything from supplements, to food, clothing, menstrual products and more!

Bonus #2: 60-Day Challenge... AKA your chance to win back your entire investment!

Need yet another reason to ditch everything you think you know about health and give the Balance Your Hormones Program a real crack? In the 60-Day Balance Challenge you’ll collect points just for applying what you’ve learnt in the modules to find your root cause and improve your nutrition, gut health, exercise and stress!

It’s the perfect blend of accountability and healthy competition to keep you moving forward on your healing journey! And if you’re the person with the most points at the end of the challenge, you’ll win back your entire Balance Your Hormones investment and more! (There are prizes for 2nd and 3rd place too).

Bonus: Mindset & Anxiety Course

Finding that you’re experiencing low mood, anxiety or even depression as a result of your hormonal imbalance? Are your negative thoughts getting in the way of your relationships?

As you work towards balancing your hormones, in this mini-course you will also learn how to let go of the negative stories you've been carrying, improve your self-esteem, learn actionable techniques to quieten the mind, practice self-compassion, and learn my unique 'NAPS' strategy for changing negative self-talk and putting you in a better mood - improving your relationships with yourself and those around you.

“Has helped my skin look the best it has in a long time”

Mads has created such a beautiful and enlightening program that I have found to be so helpful and insightful! Each module contains so much love and in-depth knowledge behind it, which is beautifully presented in such an engaging and easy to understand way. Each video always leaves me feeling empowered to make small, realistic changes to better align myself with who I want to be.

I feel so much happier and healthier, both physically and mentally! In such a short space of time I have created healthier eating habits and adopted new strategies to help manage my stress, which has helped my skin look the best it has in a long time, while simply feeling more energetic, empowered and more positive to be around – I feel like I am glowing! I cannot recommend Mads and her program enough, it is truly incredible.



"It has been life-changing! I am a brand new woman. Honestly, it was the best investment I did for 2020. I now feel so unstoppable! This energy and self-love I'm having for myself right now would not have happened without Madison. I highly recommend it! Put in the work and 100% I know you're not going to regret it. Thank you again Madison. You're the best!"

- Mary

Balance Your Hormones is the right fit for you, even if:


✔️ You’re busy & don’t have time right now to overhaul your life

This almost stopped one of my previous students from enrolling in the program because she was right in the middle of moving house! She later realised that this was just an excuse she was using to stay stuck, and 3 weeks into the program she had cleared her symptoms which made moving house even more enjoyable and stress-free. The longer you put off feeling good, the harder life will continue to seem.


✔️ You’ve spent all your money on ineffective supplements and products and don’t want to waste anymore money

I hear you sister! It’s the worst when you open up that supplement drawer only to see all of the products you’ve given up on (or rather, products that gave up on you). By educating yourself on your health you start to save money as you learn how to make better choices moving forward - instead of putting all your hopes (and hard-earned money) into the next well-marketed magic vitamin.


✔️ You feel like you’ve tried everything and you’re losing hope

Most of my clients feel this way when they come to work with me. They’ve tried it the doctor’s way, the naturopath’s way, heck they’ve even tried it the random-girl-on-YouTube’s way. But what they haven’t tried is taking control themselves, and learning about their own body, what they need and why those other ways didn’t work for them.


✔️ You feel like your case is complicated and you need to work 1:1 with a practitioner

The science shows that when patients just rely on their practitioner to tell them what to do and don’t understand what is going on, patient results are not as good. These patients are also more likely to have more hospital visits and trouble managing their symptoms/ conditions long-term.

This is actually why Balance Your Hormones was born; to improve each woman’s understanding of her own health, allowing her to have more productive discussions with her practitioner, ask better questions and make smarter choices in her own treatment plan!

Plus, in Balance Your Hormones you will have ongoing support from the community and the invaluable video modules to always come back to. That’s hours of time you will have sitting with me as I teach you how to clear your symptoms and improve your health. Did someone ask for a personal health tutor?!


✔️ You worry that healing naturally will take too long

This is a common myth, but I’m here to bust it for you! Many of my clients have seen their symptoms clear within weeks of modifying their nutrition, improving their gut health and reducing their stress. 

In contrast, when you take the pill or use antibiotics, it only provides quick relief (also known as the Band-aid Approach) and merely covers up or suppresses your symptoms instead of actually addressing them. These quick-fix methods (that really just postpone the problem) mean that the root cause of the symptoms persists, often getting worse with time and making it harder to deal with in the future. 

Join Balance Your Hormones

“You name it and I have tried it or have been prescribed it.”

I’ve even had doctors prescribe me weight loss pills and 800cal diets. Coming from toxic diet cultures, Mads' program has really taught me what healthy means, what my body needs and what nourishment means for me. I've learned how to eat healthy and exercise for my body and my PCOS and I can safely say that this program has changed my life.

I have seen an improvement in my inflammation, my IBS, my mental health and finally I have got my period for the first time in 4 months and it hasn’t brought on a depressive mood, like it usually does. I will forever be grateful for the moment I chose to part take and forever grateful to Mads for accepting me with arms wide open. Her passion, drive, knowledge and her vibes are absolutely infectious. With Mads' tools and support you never feel alone and I know I'll always have them in the back of my mind when I need it most.


Balance Your Hormones Program

$499 USD

Same Incredible Results For Less

  • 8 weeks of LIVE Q&A calls
  • Lifetime access to modules
  • Bonus bag valued at $888

1:1 Private Support + BYH Program

$1,111 USD

24/7 Access & Accountability

  • 8 weeks of private 24/7 support
  • Lifetime access to modules
  • Bonus bag valued at $888

Balance Your Hormones Program

$499 USD

Same Incredible Results For Less

  • 8 weeks of LIVE Q&A calls
  • Lifetime access to modules
  • Bonus bag valued at $888

1:1 Private Support + BYH Program

$1,111 USD

24/7 Access & Accountability

  • 8 weeks of private 24/7 support
  • Lifetime access to modules
  • Bonus bag valued at $888

Balance Your Hormones Program

$499 USD

Same Incredible Results For Less

  • 8 weeks of LIVE Q&A calls
  • Lifetime access to modules
  • Bonus bag valued at $888

1:1 Private Support + BYH Program

$1,111 USD

24/7 Access & Accountability

  • 8 weeks of private 24/7 support
  • Lifetime access to modules
  • Bonus bag valued at $888

Balance Your Hormones Program

$499 USD

One Investment For Lifetime Results

  • Transformative modules
  • All the resources you could need to optimise your health
  • Private supportive community
  • Lifetime access to all updates & future content

Doors Close & Acne Mini-Course Expires In:









Still unsure?

You’re invited to join Balance Your Hormones for up to 2 weeks completely risk-free


I get it - sometimes the only way to really know whether a program is the right fit for you is to get in there and try it out, which is exactly why Balance Your Hormones comes with a 14-day ‘do the work’ money-back guarantee.

If you don’t feel like the program is teaching you anything new or supporting you as it should on your healing journey, just email me at [email protected] by the 5th of March 2022 and we’ll set up a call so that you can provide me with feedback on how to improve the program and we can organise your full refund.

The only thing you have to do is watch the week 0 + 1 lessons, attend the live calls (or watch the recording), and show me that you’ve done the homework for those modules. That way I’ll keep you accountable to the commitment you make when you join, and you’ll make sure I deliver the program as promised.


"Each module has so much information and depth but they are so easy to follow. I would definitely recommend Mads to anyone. I have learned a lot throughout all these modules and I have been able to control my acne."

- Shadya

Picture this for a second...

Let’s say - hypothetically - that you enroll in Balance Your Hormones today...

You start slow, watching the video lessons one-by-one and you pencil in time for yourself each week. You immerse yourself in the loving community of other women on the same journey as you and feel reassured and supported

No more confusion. No more doubt.

Each week you feel more and more empowered, and you’re surprised at how easy & enjoyable the healing process gets to be.

You begin to see your symptoms clear before your eyes and cannot believe that you are now experiencing the same incredible results as all those other women in the testimonials you read before you signed up.

Clearing your symptoms is what you’ve dreamt of for so long and you thought you'd tried everything. But now you’re sitting here and it’s your reality. It feels too good to be true. How is it that you struggled to get here on your own, and yet it gets to be this easy when shown the right path?

You struggle to describe just how incredible you feel, but your skin is glowing, you feel happier, and your periods are easy!

For the first time in a long-time you feel healthy.

Your relationships are blooming because of your new lease on life.

 Every day feels easier and you finally feel confident again.

Soon enough you begin to attract new opportunities, friendships and good vibes

You’ve done it.

You finally release those shoulders and get to relax.

Your symptoms are history, and you now know how to keep them away!

Join Balance Your Hormones

"Since working with Mads, I have a whole new understanding of my body & confidence in myself that I am capable of making life-changing choices. The structure of the self-paced modules kept me accountable & excited. Madison's energy is infectious & it felt like I was having a catch-up with a very knowledgeable & motivating friend."

- Lu

"For years I have struggled with a combination of things; acne, my relationship with food, gut health, stress etc. In the short time so far I have already noticed improvements and ways to really listen to my body. I finally feel like I am on the right track to healing and my skin clearing up is just a positive that comes with that! Thank you for guiding me Mads!"

- Victoria